Monday, May 5, 2014

Nauti CatsNauti Cats

Nauti Cats
It seems like a good time to post an update on our feline crew. In December we saw them return to life on land with little more than a brief sniff at their old haunts. They also ignored the boxes and packing material which surrounded them for most of the three months they stayed in Panama City.  We sort of expected a revolt when the cat bags came out for the return trip to the boat, but surprisingly they BOTH jumped in an submitted to the ride and walk out to the boat – even though it was all conducted during a torrential rain storm complete with thunder. In fact, as much as one can tell with cats, they seem to enjoy life on the boat – here they get to go outside which as declawed kitties they are not allowed to do on land.  The outside time is mostly when we are stopped, but yesterday, Frank took a walk while we were cruising.  The pilot house door was open and he must have ventured out without Steve noticing, but I saw a white flash streak by and gave chase only seeing his tail disappear around the back – he was moving at top speed. When I got through to the back door from the inside, he casually strolled in as if a walk on the bouncy water were an everyday happening.  This is the cat that boycotted the pilot house for months after he fell off the bench when we were waked by a passing speed boat. He also exhibits seasickness when the water is even moderately rough…
Even though they are not outside 24/7 the windows are often open and so they have greater exposure to the wildlife around us.  Birds are a favorite – especially through windows, and dolphins get their attention as well.

Yes, both cats seem to have reached a new plain of nautical existence. Frank now joins us in the pilot house – perching behind Steve’s head or popping through to sleep out the porthole on the fly bridge.  Recently Princess Annie has actually allowed visitors to sit next to her in the salon without hissing. She submits to brushing from time to very occasional time and regularly explores new places to sleep.  Sleep is what these two do best and most of the time. When we are not underway, Frank likes to hangout on our bed with a view down the hall to the main cabin.  He also has a deep hide hole under the guest cabin desk – wedged between the wall safe and my craft basket. Princess usually has a bed or two in the main salon – which she even shares on occasion if one of us wants to put our feet up.  She has become a cuddle cat – on her terms – we suspect only if she is cold. She also has territory in the guest cabin on the comfortable couch in there.  But, the other day she opted for the floor – between the file box and the wall, under a chair. Go figure. She also has developed an addiction to ice cubes.  Any movement toward the frig will bring her awake and be accompanied by plaintive cries until an ice cube is retrieved and deposited in her water bowl.  We have no idea why this is a treat or such a persistent impulse, and since ice can be a limited commodity on a boat we would like to retrain her, but as yet no success. Just saying “No” does not seem to do it…..

While Annie is still not a gracious hostess, she does seem to be less hostile automatically – she appreciates guests who leave her alone.  Frank on the other hand loves everyone and welcomes any and all attention – which he even wakes up for if it suits him. However, if Steve even walks toward the master cabin late afternoon or evening, Frank vaults down the stairs and is on the bed ready for the night – he prefers to sleep on my pillow but has condescended to share – that is if I don’t get up during the night. My spot is kept warm by his quick invasion. Needless to say, we have enjoyed having these two four legged crew members even with their strange idiosyncratic habits, they also seem to prefer the boating life – at least they don’t try to escape. After watching the many, many boaters with dogs we are counting ourselves lucky to have such low-maintenance pets.

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